How To Run Apache Kafka On Windows
In this post, we will look at the step-by-step procedure for Kafka Installation on Windows. Kafka is an open-source stream-processing software platform and comes nether the Apache software foundation.
What is Kafka?
Kafka is used for real-time streams of data, to collect big information, or to practise real-time analysis (or both). Kafka is used with in-memory microservices to provide durability and it tin can be used to feed events to complex event streaming systems and IoT/IFTTT-style automation systems.
Installation :
1. Java Setup:
Kafka requires Coffee 8 for running. And hence, this is the kickoff step that nosotros should do to install Kafka. To install Java, there are a couple of options. We can go for the Oracle JDK version 8 from the Official Oracle Website.
2. Kafka & Zookeeper Configuration:
Step i: Download Apache Kafka from its Official Site.
Step 2: Extract tgz via cmd or from the available tool to a location of your choice:
tar -xvzf kafka_2.12-2.4.ane.tgz
Footstep 3: Copy the path of the Kafka folder. Now go to config inside Kafka folder and open file. Copy the path against the field dataDir and add together /zookeeper-data to the path.
Step 4: nosotros have to alter the config/ file. Beneath is the change:
Basically, we are pointing the log.dirs to the new folder /data/kafka.
Run Kafka Server:
Step one: Kafka requires Zookeeper to run. Basically, Kafka uses Zookeeper to manage the entire cluster and various brokers. Therefore, a running example of Zookeeper is a prerequisite to Kafka.
To start Zookeeper, we can open a PowerShell prompt and execute the below command:
.\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-showtime.bat .\config\
If the command is successful, Zookeeper will commencement on port 2181.
Step 2: Now open another command prompt and modify the directory to the kafka binder. Run kafka server using the command:
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-offset.bat .\config\
Now your Kafka Server is upward and running, y'all can create topics to shop messages. Likewise, we can produce or consume data straight from the command prompt.
Create a Kafka Topic:
- Open up a new command prompt in the location C:\kafka\bin\windows.
- Run the post-obit command:
kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
Creating Kafka Producer:
- Open a new command prompt in the location C:\kafka\bin\windows
- Run the post-obit control:
kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-listing localhost:9092 --topic exam
Creating Kafka Consumer:
- Open a new command prompt in the location C:\kafka\bin\windows.
- Run the following command:
kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-start
If you see these messages on consumer panel,Congratulations!!! you all washed. And so you can play with producer and consumer terminal bypassing some Kafka messages.
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